What are the Benefits of Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali to Shiva

Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali is an important offering to Hindu God Shiva. Mrityunjaya is another name of Mahadev and Pushpanjali literally means offering of flowers. 

What is Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali? 

Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali is the offering of flowers to Shiva by chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. This is one of the most common vazhipad (offerings) in temples dedicated to Shiva.  

Benefits of Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali

Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali is mainly performed for disease relief, better health and getting  long life. It is very beneficial to perform Mrityunjaya Puspanjali to appease Lord Shiva, on the days of Dasasandhis, when one is suffering from diseases, and have ill effects of planets. When conducting as a vazhipad in temple, the priests chant 108 times of Mrityunjaya Mantra and perform Pushpanjali with flowers and Koovalam or Bilva Leaves.

What are the Benefits of Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva idol after performing Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali puja

Who should perform Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali?

Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali is found very beneficial for those who are suffering from dosha period according to Charasha and nakshatra dasa period. Performing Jaladhara together with Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali will yeild more better results. 

Devotees can perform Mrityunjaya Pushpanjali on all Mondays, on Pradosham days,  on his/her nakshatra. Regularly conducting this puja to Shiva will please the god and bestow boundless grace of Shiva. 

Om Namah Shivaya!!


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