Chandra, also referred as Soma, is one of the Navagraha in Hinduism. Chandra Mahadasa is for 10 years in a person's life according to the degree of the moon. The 10 years of Moon Dasha period can be both benefit or malefic depending upon the position of the Moon in the birth chart
Importance of Chandra Dasha
According to astrology, if a person is having Chandra Mahadasa or Moon Mahadasha in his planetary position, Lord Chandra will give good memory, make a person to contain good health, develops creativeness and makes him a fearless person and give him sufficient wealth.
Similarly, if a person suffers from Chandra Dosham, he will give physical and mental problems to him, and also will affect his relationships between the people around him.
In order to overcome from these problems, it is advisable to worship Lord Chandra, especially on Monday’s and to visit Navagraha shrines in Lord Shiva temple, and to offer abhishekham to Lord Chandra Bhagavan. Reciting various slokams in praise of Lord Chandra, also will give good remedy to the problems.
Chandra Mantra- Om Chandramasē Namaha
Importance of Chandra Dasha
According to astrology, if a person is having Chandra Mahadasa or Moon Mahadasha in his planetary position, Lord Chandra will give good memory, make a person to contain good health, develops creativeness and makes him a fearless person and give him sufficient wealth.
Similarly, if a person suffers from Chandra Dosham, he will give physical and mental problems to him, and also will affect his relationships between the people around him.
In order to overcome from these problems, it is advisable to worship Lord Chandra, especially on Monday’s and to visit Navagraha shrines in Lord Shiva temple, and to offer abhishekham to Lord Chandra Bhagavan. Reciting various slokams in praise of Lord Chandra, also will give good remedy to the problems.
Chandra Mantra- Om Chandramasē Namaha
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