Skanda Sashti Vrata is dedicated to the Hindu God Skanda who is a popular deity among the Tamil Hindus. Lord Skanda is the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati and also brother to Lord Ganesha. Lord Skanda is popularly known as Subramanya, Karthikeya and Muruga in different parts of the country.
Devotees can avoid use of garlic and onions during the fasting period
Should avoid non-vegetarian food
Visit Muruga Temples and Chant Kanta Shasti Kavasam
Devotees can also intake fruits during the period of fasting
Single meal a day either at noon or at night is advised for those who are fasting.
How to Observe Skanda Shasti or Kanda Shasthi Vratam
Different devotees observe the Shasthi Vrata in their own way. But there are some common facts to be considered and avoided while taking Kanda Shasthi. Fasting begins from one sunrise and ends by the next. Some common facts of Skanda Shasti are:Devotees can avoid use of garlic and onions during the fasting period
Should avoid non-vegetarian food
Visit Muruga Temples and Chant Kanta Shasti Kavasam
Devotees can also intake fruits during the period of fasting
Single meal a day either at noon or at night is advised for those who are fasting.
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