Rama Navami or Rama Nawami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is one of the most important festival of Hindus. This auspicious day falls on Shukla Paksha Navami, the ninth day of Chaitra month and coincides with Vasant Navratri. Ramnavami is also observed as the marriage day of Lord Rama and Sita Mata. In 2023, Rama Navami falls on 30 March. Visit hindu devotional blog for more hinduism articles. The life of Rama as written in the epic Ramayana gives us the message that one should fulfill your duty without any selfish motives.
It is a very significant day for the devotees of Lord Rama. Devotees keep a day long fast and worship Lord Shri Ram with all rituals. Ram devotees starts this special day with Ram temple darshans and chanting Srirama mantras.
Rama Navami is Observed by
1) Worshipping Lord Rama
2) A day long fast
3) Chanting Rama Mantras
4) Listening or narrating the epic Ramayana
5) Performing ceremonial wedding of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita
6) Conducting Rama Navami procession
7) Conducting Hawan (Homa before breaking the fast on the next day)
Hi Abhilash MS,
ReplyDeleteUseful details shared on Ram Navami festival 2016, thanks...