Mokshada Ekadashi 2023 falls on the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in Margashirsh month. This year, Mokshada Ekadashi date is on 23 December 2023. The importance of observing Mokshada Ekadasi vrat is that it helps to remove all sorts of sins and attain Moksha (liberation). It is also the day Lord Krishna preached Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. Hence the day is also celebrated as Gita Jayanti.
The significance of Mokshada Ekadasi was described to Yudhishtira by Sree Krishna and can be seen in Brahmanda Purana. A popular belief is that observing this Ekadasi fast helps in granting heaven for the souls of dead ancestors which helps in prosperity for the living ones. The story associated with Mokshada Ekadasi narrates that King Vaikanasa had a dream that his father was suffering in hell. Soon with the advice of Parvata Muni, the king observed Mokshada Ekadasi vrat and help his father to end the sufferings and attain Moksha.
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