Story of Pippalada Avatar of Lord Shiva. The Saturudra Samhita of Shiva Purana says that in each Yuga cycle, Siva incarnates as four sons or disciples. Pippalada was one such incarnation of Lord Siva.
Story of Pippalada Avatar of Lord Shiva
Mahadeva incarnated as Pippalada the son of Swarcha and sage Dadhichi. Pippalada’s parents died early in his childhood and there was nobody to look after him. He helped himself mainly on the fruits of the pippala tree and hence he got the name Pippalada which literally means one who eats pippala. He became a great sage.
Pippalada Rishi was an ancient teacher of the Atharvaveda. He established his own school of Atharvaveda known as the "Pippalada-sakha". Pippalada is the master of the Prasna Upanishad. Other sages went to him and sought knowledge. Anaranya gave his daughter Padma to the sage Pippalada. The aged sage Pippalada became a young man and produced ten sons of Padma. Pippalada granted all of them the boon, that for sixteen years from birth no one of them would have any affliction from the planet Saturn or Lord Shani.
Pippalada and Sri Mahakala Sani Mrityunjaya Mantra
Pippalada was the seer of the mantra Sri Mahakala Sani Mrityunjaya. The mantra identifies Mahakala with Shani Dev as well as with Mrityunjaya or Siva the conqueror of death. It is believed that uttering the mantra is good to save oneself from Shani Dosha or the ill-effects of Shani including death. The mantra is to be uttered sitting on a black blanket and facing the west direction on Saturdays before sunrise and after sunset.