Importance of Shiva Linga Worship

Importance of Shiva Linga Worship. Shivalinga is a symbolic structure that represents the divine energy of Hindu God Shiva. One of the trinities in Hinduism, Lord Shiva is worshipped in the form of Shivalinga and regular rituals are performed on these holy structures.

Importance of Shiva Linga Worship

This iconic configuration which is considered as the source of Universal creation has two significant parts called Linga and Yoni. Visit hindu devotional blog for more hinduism articles. Linga is the upper portion of the constitution and symbolizes the male creative energy whereas the Yoni that locates the lower portion signifies the female reproductive energy. 

After the destruction of the Universe, the source of creation of all elements was related to this holy structure. Usually, Siva Lingas are stone derived which are either carved or naturally existed. The latter ones are very primitive with godly qualities and hence they are worshipped with reverence. 

Lord Shiva Linga Worship

The portion of the Siva Lingam which represents Lord Siva is cylindrical in appearance. At the bottom of this structure there is one receptacle like portion and the main body of the constitution stands upright from the base. The receptacle is designed in such a way to drain the water poured during the prolonged sacred bath of Shivaling. This is a very usual ritual performed over the structure to keep away the self esteem of an individual. 

As per legends, it will be more beneficial if this sacrament is made on Shivarathri day. On this particular occasion devotees observe fast during day time and chant the magnificence of Siva Linga to create a holy atmosphere in the locality. Visit for more hinduism articles. The method of worshiping Lord Siva with rituals on Siva Linga is considered to be very aged.

Mythological Aspects of Shiva Linga Worship

As per Hindu mythology, Shiva Linga is the unique representation of social relations, sexual union, cosmic process, metaphysics and meditation. The mysterious powers that transmit from Siva Lingam generate indescribable energy to the minds of devotees. It illustrates the scientific theory of positive and negative which leads to the life concepts of human beings. 

The incarnation of Lord Siva as ‘Ardhanareeswara’ is well explained through the creation of Siva Linga. This divine appearance is the union of half man and half woman which formed by the equal halves of Lord Shiva and his consort Goddess Parvathi. Hence the benefit of worshipping Ardhanareeswara can be easily acquired by offering rituals to Shiva Lingam. Hindu devotional blog. The blessings available from the structure assure peaceful and lifelong association of husband and wife which is considered as the foundation of solid family life. 


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