Hindu Goddesses Photos Gallery

Hindu Goddess Photos Gallery Free Download. Below are images of most popularly worshipped Goddess in Hinduism.

Chottanikkara Bhagawati - Goddess Chottanikkara Bhagavathy is one of the most popularly worshipped goddess in Kerala. Chottanikkara Devi is an incarnation of the Mother Goddess Parvati and is worshipped in 3 different forms Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga and Goddess Saraswati. Chottanikkara Temple in Ernakulam is a famous shrine dedicated to the goddess.

Picture of Goddess Chottanikkara Bhagavathy

Goddess Annapoorneshwari - Goddess Annapurna is regarded as the Hindu Goddess of nourishment. Annapoorna is a form of Goddess Parvati and is mainly worshipped as the Goddess of the city of Kashi.

Picture of Goddess Annapurna

Picture of Goddess Durga in her mount Lion

Picture of Goddess Durga Maa

Kali Ma - Goddess Kali is regarded as the goddess of Time and Change. One of the Dasa Mahavidyas, Goddess Kali Maa is usually represented as the fierce form of Goddess Parvati.

Picture of Goddess Kali Maa


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