Sree Narayana Guru Quotes and Teachings on Love, Happiness, Religion and Faith. Sri Narayana Guru was a famous Hindu saint and social reformer from Kerala, India. Gurudevan was born in Chempazhanthi near Thiruvananthapuram, and was well versed in his knowledge in Vedas and his poetic proficiency and non violence philosophy. Here are some famous quotes by Sree Narayana Guru.
Sree Narayana Guru Sayings
Love of others is my happiness, Love that is mine is happiness for others. And so, truly, deeds that benefit a man must be a cause for other's happiness too. ~ Sree Narayana Guru Swami Teachings
People here on earth, they sleep, wake and think. Various thoughts: watching over all of this with intent eye (witness). There dawns a priceless light, which never shall dim again. Led onward by this, one should move forward. ~ Gurudevan
Men may differ in their faiths, their languages and their modes of dressing; but there can be no evil in inter-dining and inter-marriage, because all belong to the same kind of creation. ~ Narayana Guru
One caste, one religion, one God for man; one form and the same blood in all; I cannot find any differences. ~ Sree Narayana Guru Sayings
Sree Narayana Guru Sayings

People here on earth, they sleep, wake and think. Various thoughts: watching over all of this with intent eye (witness). There dawns a priceless light, which never shall dim again. Led onward by this, one should move forward. ~ Gurudevan
Men may differ in their faiths, their languages and their modes of dressing; but there can be no evil in inter-dining and inter-marriage, because all belong to the same kind of creation. ~ Narayana Guru
One caste, one religion, one God for man; one form and the same blood in all; I cannot find any differences. ~ Sree Narayana Guru Sayings
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