Upapandavas Sons of Pandavas

Upapandavas, as per the Hindu epic Mahabharata, were the five sons of Draupadi, from her five Pandava husbands. They were namely Prativindhya, Shatanika, Sutasoma, Shrutasena and Shrutakarma. However, there were not many contributions of the brothers during the great war of Kurukshetra, except that they fought the battle on behalf of the Pandavas. The son of Dronacharya, called Ashwatthama killed all five of them, on the night of the final day of the war.

Pandava Sons

Prativindhya was the son of Yudhishthira
Sutasoma was the son of Bhima
Shrutakarma was the son of Arjuna
Shatanika was born to Nakula
Shrutasena was born to Sahadeva

Death of Upa Pandavas

When the last day of the Kurukshetra war ended and Duryodhana was killed by Bhima, a surviving Aswathama was sitting in disparity under a tree. He then sees an owl attacking a bunch of crows. They were the same crows who attacked the owl in the morning. He took this as a divine signal and snuck into the Pandava camp along with the Kaurava survivors Kritavarma and Kripacharya. He attacked their camp at night when everybody was sleeping. Ashwarthama killed some of the major warriors namely Shrikhandi and Drishtadumna. He then killed all the five Upapandavas while they were asleep.

Upapandavas Sons of Pandavas


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