Goddess Narasimhi - the power of Lord Narasimha

Narasimhi is one of the Matrikas or Mother Goddess of Hinduism. Goddess Narasimhi is regarded as the power of Lord Narasimha, the lion-man avatar of Mahavishnu. The goddess is popularly worshiped by the name Pratyangira Devi, the goddess with a lioness’s face and a human body. She is also known as Atharvana Bhadrakali and Narashimhika (in Kalisahasranama Stotram). 

The goddess is depicted with four hands holding Trishula (trident), Shankha (conch shell), Chakra (discus), Gada (mace). However in some scriptures, Narasimhi is said to have 2,000 hands with multiple weapons and a thousand tongues.

goddess narasimhi pratyangira devi

The avatar of Narasimhi or Prathyangira Devi has two different concepts in Hindu mythology.

According to Vaishnavites, Goddess Lakshmi took the form of Narasimhi to calm down the rage of Narasimha after killing Hiranyakashyupu.

According to Shaivaite, she is an incarnation of Goddess Shakti and she appeared from the wings of Sarabheswara, the ugra avatar of Lord Shiva

The most famous among the temples dedicated to Goddess Narasimhi are:

1) Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi Temple in Ayyavadi (Aivar Padi), Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu

2) Brahmapuram Sree Mahalakshmi Pratyangira Temple in Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala


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