Trivikrama is one of the main avatars of Lord Vishnu. In Trivikrama avatar Mahavishnu measured the entire universe in three footsteps.
Trivikrama Avatar of Lord Vishnu
Vishnu took the giant form of Trivikraman during the Vamana avatara of Dasavatara. As Vishnu conquered the three worlds with his 3 foot setps - earth with his first step, heavens with the second and the underworld with third - he got the name Trivikrama.
Bhagavata Purana states that Mahavishnu took the form of Trivikrama to restore the authority of Indra over the heavens, as it had been taken by King Bali.
Trivikrama is also one of the 24 Keshava Namas of Lord Vishnu.
Trivikrama, Rama and Krishna avatars are important avatars among Dassvatars