Sastha Mantra for Saturday

Lyrics of Sastha Mantra for Saturday. Lord Sree Dharmasastha Mantra with Poorna and Pushkala. Saturday is dedicated to Hindu God Sastha, who is regarded as the son of Mahavishnu and Mahadeva. Below is the Dhyana sloka Sree Dharma Shasta to be chanted on Saturdays.

Saturday Sastha Mantra Lyrics

Jeemoothashyamadhama Mani Maya Viladsad Kudalollosivakthro,
Hasthabjam Daksha Mathrothpalamitharabhujam Vama Janoo Paristham,
Bibrath Admasanastha Parikalitha Thanuryogapattena Jushta,
Sri Poornapushkalabhyam Puraharamurajith Puthrakapathu Sastha

Sastha Mantra English Meaning

Let us be protected by Lord Dharmasastha who is the son of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva,
Who is of the black colour of the clouds, who has a face shining because,
Of the gem studded ear drops that he wears, Who has the red lotus in right hand,
Who places his left hand on his left knee, who sits in the lotus pose along,
With his two wives Poorna and Pushkala in the throne of Yoga

Lord Sastha Mantra for Saturday with Poorna and Pushkala


  1. Request "Sastha Mantra" in HINDI version please.

    A. P. Panda.


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