Durga Ganapati Form of Ganesha

Durga Ganapati the 31st of Lord Ganesha 32 forms. In this form, Lord Ganesh is considered “The Invincible” having a victory flag embracing his might over darkness. Durga Ganapathi appears in deep golden hue complexion with eight hands. In his main right hand holds broken tusk and his main left hand holds the rose apple fruit. On his other hands holds a bow, an arrow, a sugarcane , a noose, a elephant goad, japa beads mala (Rudraksha) and victory flag.

Uthrattathi Nakshatra (Uttara Bhadrapada) is related to Durga Ganapati. Worshipping this form will provide his devotees happiness and joy. Durga Ganapathi is also regarded to be the remover of sins. Durga Ganapati idol can be worshiped in Shri Mahalaxmi Temple in Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

Durga Ganapati Form of Ganesha

Durga Ganapati Mantra

Taptakamcanasamkasha Shcashtahastomahattonah
Diptamkushamsharamcaksham Damttamdakshevahankaraih
Vamepashamkarmukam Cha Latamjambumdadhatkaraih Raktamshukkasssadbhuya
Ddurganapatirmude Kanakavarnah

English Translation and Meaning

May Durga Ganapati, shining like burnished gold with a hefty body, with eight hands carrying hook, arrow, tusk and bow in the right hand, and rope, spear, creeper and rose apple in the left hands and adorned with red garments, be the source to our joy and happiness.


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