33 Gods in Hinduism

The 33 Hindu Gods concept in Hinduism is a pantheon of thirty three gods of which some deities worshipped since Vedic ages and some and the others developed later. The 33 Hindu Gods include 12 Adityas (personified deities), 11 Rudras, 8 Vasus and two other gods considered as the creator deity and a supreme ruler deity.

Details of the Thirty Three Hindu Gods

12 Adityas

The Twelve Adityas or personified deities are Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Varuna, Daksa, Ansa, Tvastar, Pusan, Vivasvat, Savitr or Savita, Sakra, and Visnu.

11 Rudras

The eleven Rudras consists of five abstractions, five names of Shiva, and the self. The first five abstractions include Ananda (Bliss), Vijnana (Knowledge), Manas (thought), Prana (Breath or life), Vac (Speech). The next five forms of Shiva include Isana (Ruler), Tatpurusa (That Person), Aghora (Not Terrible), Vamadeva (Pleasant God), Sadyojata (Born at Once). The 11th Rudra deity is the Atma or Self.

Picture of Lord Indra - lord of Hindu Gods in Hinduism

8 Vasus

Eight Vasus are the Hindu gods of material elements. They are Prithvi (Earth), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Wind), Antariksa (Atmosphere), Surya (Sun God), Dyaus (Sky), Nakshatra (Stars), and Som (Moon)

2 Asvins (or Nasatyas)

In Vedas, the two Asvins are mentioned as the twin solar deities worshipped in the vedic ages.

Indra, the lord of the Gods, is the first of the 33 Gods followed by Agni.
Prajapati, which literally means “the creator” is the 2nd among the two Asvins.


  1. can i have the lyrics of poonthanam,s njana pana in malayalam or english?

  2. i chant vishnu sahasranama and also am a believer in the concept that one cannot escape karma results in one's life....still my mind is disturbed at times....how can i get peace of mind and a calm mind



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