Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is the head of the Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Ashram also known as Avadhoota Datta Peetham situated at Mysore, Karnataka. Devotees call Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swami as “Appaji” or simply “Swamiji” and consider him as a spiritual living embodiment. Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji honours all religions and teaches his disciples to follow their belief as the soul of all religion is the same and all religions are the different paths to reach God or to obtain mukti (salvation).
Healing & Meditation Music
Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamy is considered as the re-inventor of the ancient Raagaragini
Vidya (Raga Ragini Vidya), which is an ancient musical tradition or science which takes human consciousness to higher planes and helps to cure ailments. Swamiji is also famous for His Healing and Meditation Music. Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swami combines
Ganapati Sachidananda Swamiji Bhajan Songs
Sri Ganapati Sachidananda Swamiji has composed more than 7000 Hindu devotional bhajan songs on various Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Swamiji’s compositions are in various languages including Telugu, Kannada, Sanskrit, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, and English. Some of Swamiji’s famous bhajans include Pahi Pahi Gajanana (Lord Ganapathi), Akhand Shakti Durgi Maa, Veda Nada Nayaka, Shankaram Shankaram, Kameshi Vameshi, Ehi Pahi, Tvam Sadashivaasi Chaamba, and Varadaraja Vandanam.
Social Organisations & Projects by Datta Peetham
ISERVE or the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas, headquartered at Hyderabad, is a project started by Ganapati Sachdananda Swamiji of Avadhoota Datta Peetham with a mission to interpret the scientific content in ancient Vedas in to common man. Also known as Veda Pathashala, this traditional school teaches Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda and related Sanskrit studies.
Another noticeable social service project by the Avadhoota Datta Peetham is the old age home called 'Ammavodi' located at Hyderabad.
Avadhoota Datta Peetham also runs the Vagdevi School for Communication Handicapped in Bangalore. This is a school for communication impaired children.
Bonsai Garden & the Vishwam Museum
The Bonsai Garden in the Avadhoota Datta Peetham ashram is regarded as the largest in the country with more than 250 bonsai trees brought from various countries.
The Vishwam Museum at the Avadhoota Datta Peetham is a recent addition which preserves articles received as gift to Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji during his tour to different countries. Some of the notable ones in the Vishwam Museum include one mercury Ganapati, a Dasavatharam bowl from the United States, and a ship carved in jade from China.
Sri Guru Datta Jai Guru Datta!!
Healing & Meditation Music
Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamy is considered as the re-inventor of the ancient Raagaragini

Ganapati Sachidananda Swamiji Bhajan Songs
Sri Ganapati Sachidananda Swamiji has composed more than 7000 Hindu devotional bhajan songs on various Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Swamiji’s compositions are in various languages including Telugu, Kannada, Sanskrit, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, and English. Some of Swamiji’s famous bhajans include Pahi Pahi Gajanana (Lord Ganapathi), Akhand Shakti Durgi Maa, Veda Nada Nayaka, Shankaram Shankaram, Kameshi Vameshi, Ehi Pahi, Tvam Sadashivaasi Chaamba, and Varadaraja Vandanam.
Social Organisations & Projects by Datta Peetham
ISERVE or the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas, headquartered at Hyderabad, is a project started by Ganapati Sachdananda Swamiji of Avadhoota Datta Peetham with a mission to interpret the scientific content in ancient Vedas in to common man. Also known as Veda Pathashala, this traditional school teaches Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda and related Sanskrit studies.
Another noticeable social service project by the Avadhoota Datta Peetham is the old age home called 'Ammavodi' located at Hyderabad.
Avadhoota Datta Peetham also runs the Vagdevi School for Communication Handicapped in Bangalore. This is a school for communication impaired children.
Bonsai Garden & the Vishwam Museum
The Bonsai Garden in the Avadhoota Datta Peetham ashram is regarded as the largest in the country with more than 250 bonsai trees brought from various countries.
The Vishwam Museum at the Avadhoota Datta Peetham is a recent addition which preserves articles received as gift to Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji during his tour to different countries. Some of the notable ones in the Vishwam Museum include one mercury Ganapati, a Dasavatharam bowl from the United States, and a ship carved in jade from China.
Sri Guru Datta Jai Guru Datta!!
Any discussion by Appaji on Shirdi Saibaba
ReplyDeletejatadharam pandurangam sulahastam krupanidhim
ReplyDeletesarva papaharam devam dattatreya mahambaje
no man born like him . and never appaji.
ReplyDeletedatta avatharam ma appaji .
for me what i want my appaji gives me
Swamiji is divinity personified, you can get what you want from him- Spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, real truth, a moral and ideal life direction, or any mundane material thing( though this is not a great thing to ask for - since it is like having access to the US president and asking him for a candy! whenever you approach him). In this age of Kali- Swamiji is the rarest of rare avataras- vedanta, yoga, bhakti( through music and nada) all combined into one. A visit to mysuru itself is a sure way of internal cleansing process.
ReplyDeleteby seeing all the comments we can understand the peoples innocence but government should punish all these criminal minded swamiji's so that people will spend their life without any mental tension.
ReplyDeletejaya guru datta i.e.swamiji-nothing but three letters in telugu i.e.brahmanical triad of dattatreya .for me he is god.he pervades and guides me to be bold in adveresetiesi.e.loss of child and wife.yet he is god to me .he is kalatreya sidda yoga,nada yoga,sabda brahma and above all he is the one ness of bindu the highest of thuriyam
ReplyDeletets suresh chandar chirala 9440211465
my guru is great
ReplyDeletehe is the swaropa of datta
god on earth
if any one comment against him
we datta baktas dont allow
appaji jai ho, my family wont xist without u, u r everything fr us, the ULTIMATE GOD who wil be in our heart forever
ReplyDeletehezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz theeeeeeee bst, love himmmmmmmmmm,my family exists bcoz of him
ReplyDeleteG.S.Datta is not GOD,he is dangerous devil,he kills people silent nobody identify this thing,you people will know this thing soon.
ReplyDeleteMy self
"I have great interest about epics and in Indian mythology since my child hood. Because of this nature i visited so many temples, Saints and have interest about different Gods and Goddess and their worship. I perform many Chanting and all times i think about GOD, how he is which way to know about him. With this interest i met a Saint who is worship lord DATTA. I became a disciple for him. After some time i got doubt on his nature and interrogate what he is doing, he is a really worship lord or not .My doubt will get clear and secretly watch his moments. I get understand he is not a Saint he is a Magician (Dangerous)who worship Evil power on SRICHACRA by doing human sacrifice. He get close to doctors and mismarise them get dead bodies and performs KHUDRA pooja(a procedure to kill people) taking a cloth and round it with chanting mantra. Put it in the ultras of lady dead body and after he buried that body. He eat feacus mater and collect women pads which use at the time of menses. He worship a power on SRICHAKRA.It is very powerful. Result for this all the things were make possible for him. For this evil practice he is doing so many activities that are harmful to human existence
To escape observations for another person’s he continually travel and made stay in different country. He do this every day in secrete places. It is necessary to him for new moon adfallon eclipse time. He gave his devotees an ornaments and ask to wear it and made them servant and ask them money and donations, places(where he wants travel).May devotees are attracted him and spoil their lives
I request you please save innocent people from his evil power. All the devotees of this SWAMIGI are fell themselves like they eat bad things and lavatories to get red for his evil power .it is must to take shelter in holy places where the evil powers not work importantly .On new moon day and every eclipse time i will request every human how is read this message. Please help to get rid of his evil power. This Swami is well known for the world as GANAPATHI SACHIDANANDA DATTA.He is not holy man he is killing innocent people, please help all the people including me to get free with his evil power."
Wat you have understand in books is not enough... Book knowledge is not enough when u get experience then u will get notice of it.
ReplyDeleteU know about SriChakra and wat is the mantra fetch
First u know about these then u get comment on him.
U r a person only making sense only on reading books but not experienced
U r a kid. First know about him and get experienced after it u comment.
Does any one have Discourses of Ganapathi Sachitananda Swamiji? If So can you Please Share them.
ReplyDeleteWith Regards,
Can anyone please share discourses and Music by Ganapathi Sachitananda Swamiji..